Altos adventure reset progress
Altos adventure reset progress

altos adventure reset progress

Every trick you do adds to your multiplierĪny trick you do between leaving the ground and returning to it adds points to your trick score: For instance, doing a single backflip will net you 10 points. NOTA: Você precisa terminar uma corrida para poder confirmar os dias passados, do contrário irá perder todos os dias acumulados.You can also do backflips close to the ground to gain even more trick points and a better speed boost, or continue holding to rotate into a double, triple, or even quadruple backflip. Mantenha o computador ligado nesta tela do jogo por quanto tempo for necessário para aumentar a duração de dias jogados para alcançar esta conquista. Desta maneira, o personagem ficará esperando você recomeçar a tentativa enquanto o tempo do jogo continuará a correr. PT BR: encontrei esta solução: quando cair da prancha, assista ao video para ganhar nova tentativa, após a contagem, mantenha a tela do jogo ativa e não clique em nada (do contrario, seu personagem irá correr novamente). NOTE: You MUST end the run at anytime to confirm the length of days you gained, otherwise you will lose the time you spent (quite the run going to the main menu). Keep the computer on this game screen for as long as necessary to increase the length of days played to reach this achievement.

altos adventure reset progress

In this way, the character will be waiting for you to start trying while the game time will continue to run. After the count, keep active the game screen and do not click on anything (otherwise, your character will run again).

altos adventure reset progress

EN: I found this solution: when your snowboard get stuck in the snow, watch the video to make another attempt.

Altos adventure reset progress